• The museum of Herzegovina

      The museum came into being in 1952. Together with these exhibitions and legacies, the museum owns around 400 paintings, graphics, sculptures and other items.

    • Summer patio Platani

      Natural shade of those 16 tremendous plane trees make this patio a unique and favorite meeting place for all generations in Trebinje.

    • Monumnet to Petar II Petrovi Njegos

      The monument was unveiled on 28 and 29 May, 1934 thanks to Jovan Dučić, who bought the location fom it from catholic church. The monument was made by the well-known sculptor Tomo Rosandic, who was an apprentice of the famous Ivan Mestrovic. This is the first monument honoring Njegos in the world.

    • Monument to Jovan Ducic

      The monument to the famous poet and diplomat, Jovan Ducic, born in Trebinje was constructed in 1997. It is located in front of the main city (Ducic’s) park, right across the monument to Petar II Petrovic Njegos, so this square is also called “Poet square“.

    • City park

      The city park is a favourite place for children’s play, walking, as well as resting. In the city park, near the fountain, there is a memorial to the fallen fighters against fascism, as well as he Church of The Holy Transfiguration of God, adorned with a monument honoring the Serbian patriarch Pavle.

    • The Church of The Holy Transfiguration of God

      The Church of The Holy Transfiguration of God was constructed between 1888 and 1908. St. Vasilije of Ostrog’s miter (headwear) is kept in the church.

    • Cathedral of The Holy Mother of God

      The cathedral was constructed between 1880 and 1884, and it was proclaimed as a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2006.

    • Osman-pasha mosque

      It was constructed in 1726 and it is Osman-pasha Resulbegovic legacy. It was onoe of the oldest mosques in Herzegovina.

    • Sultan Ahmed – Emperor’s mosque

      Džamiju je podigao In 1719, this mosque was built by Osman-pasha Resulbegovic in the name of sultan Ahmed III. This is the reason why it is also named Emperor’s mosque. It is located in Old town near right bank of the Trebišnjica River.